
Saturday, April 17, 2004

The Fat Lie of Net Carbs 

The Omnivore says don't be fooled by 'the new math' in carb counting.

This whole 'net carbs' tom-foolery reminds me of the shady accounting practices used by some corporate entities. Clever accountants can shuffle the figures and manipulate profit and loss statements to no end, and frequently succeed in fooling investors and analysts into thinking that business is great, when in fact it really isn't too good at all.
In the end, however, reality is always the final arbiter. A company is either making money, or it isn't. If the latter is the case, a company won't be able to survive on cleverly-worded and misleading financial reports forever.

By the same token, low-carbers are either eating too many carbs, or not, a fact that is not changed by the wishful-thinking proponents of net carbs or the dodgy labelling practices of processed food manufacturers seeking to cash in on the popularity of low-carb diets.

This is but part of a very strong, yet informative rant on the new Enron Economics that seem to be pervading our culture today and the risks for low carb dieters.
The Fat Lie of Net Carbs

posted by Unknown
PermaLink @ 11:03 AM

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