
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Things That Make A GI Low 

After reading Todd's recent post about low GI foods and their impacts. I had to read up on the subject a little more. Having no close relatives suffering through diabetes, I never thought about such things as considering the Glycemic Index (GI) of foods when planning a meal.

I was surprised to learn that BEANS are not just cheap they are also one of nature’s lowest GI foods. Adding legumes (fancy word for beans - latin for booty breeze) to your diet, may place nearby smokers at risk, but it will also reduce the overall GI of your diet. This is due to elements of the bean that cause slower digestion. It would appear that the belly song the infamous 'musical fruit' plays is a fairly slow song!

In fact, a study from Vanderbilt University Medical Centre and the Shanghai Cancer Institute found that Chinese women who ate legumes reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by huge amounts. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition January 2008)

Beans and Cornbread are now health food for Low GI diets. Can you beat that?

Speculators looking for a 'pure play' in this emerging market might want to try Ceiling Fan Futures... I think I smell a boom!


posted by Unknown
PermaLink @ 2:21 PM

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