
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aspartame Still Gives Me Hypoglycemic Symptoms 

As I stated before, following my throat surgery, my Hypoglycemic symptoms were greatly reduced, one symptom trigger still remains, Aspartame still gives me the low sugar shakes and headaches.

My body reacts to Aspartame like it has been poisoned, I get weak, shaky, have headaches and sometimes I even get sick to my stomach.

I can still use Saccharin “Sweet and Low” and I also can use Sucralose “Splenda” without getting these symptoms, however I am concerned that these sweeteners are also very bad for my health.

Articles I found:

Splenda is an artificial sweetener made from a chemical compound that includes chlorine. Splenda is not natural. Get the facts about Splenda ...

Now, people think Johnson & Johnson’s Splenda, made from sucralose, has come to the rescue as the newest chemical sugar replacement “made from real sugar. ...

Pink packets of "Sweet 'n Low" that sit on restaurant tables that we may have put ... Here are some of the side effects, and diseases that can be caused by, ...

The multitude of aspartame side effects are indicative to your genetic individuality and physical ... aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) severe PMS ...


posted by Anonymous
PermaLink @ 1:33 PM

Planted Pecan Trees 

Pecans are a great high protean food that is easy to carry with you and they taste great. Because of my pecan fetish I decided to grow my own pecans and in 2006 I planted 23 pecan trees. Of the 23 trees 20 were Stuart pecan trees and 3 were James pecan trees. The James trees are suppose to be better pollinators

The first trees from TyTy Nursery in the state of Georgia. The trees arrived without dirt and with very little roots. I planted the trees in October following their directions and had 20 of the original 23 survive until a hard frees came the following March.

Regardless of watering the lack of roots and the hard freeze killed all but 6 trees.

This year I found 6 very health looking Stuart pecan trees at Wal-Mart. It was all they had at my local Wal-Mart, but I’m going to check the other Wal-Mart’s in my area.

As for the original trees from TyTy Nursery, after 10 phone calls and 8 months I finally reached a person who said they were the boss. This boss who would only give me his first name, stated unless I pay $143.46 more for shipping, they would not ship me replacements.

The original 23 trees without dirt were wrapped together in a single package that weighed maybe 3 pounds.

This is after I’ve spent many hours dealing with their staff. They lost my first Return Authorization, then they said they had to let their RA person go, so I had to start over again, and finally they told me to bend over again if I wanted to gamble on more of their trees. No thanks!

Just a warning, do not buy from TyTy nurseries unless you want to throw your money away.

TyTy nursery is bad.

The Nursery at TyTy also does business as:
Blackberry Plant Nursery
African Amaryllis Bulb Nursery
Apple Tree Nursery
Bunch and Seedless Grape Vine Nursery
Pecan Tree Nursery
Tree Nursery
Aaron's Bulb Farm(part & parcel of TyTy) also does business as:
Aaron's Amaryllis & Canna Bulb Farm Nursery
Arron's Flower, Tree, and Shrub Nursery
Arron's Nursery with other listings
Aaron's Bamboo Nursery
Aaron's Daffodil Nursery
Aaron's Leucojum, Tuberose, and Eucomis Nursery
Aaron's Allium Nursery
Aaron's Clivia Nursery
Aaron's Agapanthus Nursery
Aaron's Elephant Ear Nursery
Aaron's Ariod Nursery
Aaron's Iris Nursery
Aaron's Ginger Lily Nursery
Aaron's Hymenocallis Nursery
Aaron's Crinum Lily Nursery
Aaron's Banana Tree Nursery
Aaron's Perennial Nursery
Arron's Fruit Nursery
Apple Tree Nursery
Blackberry Nursery
Blueberry Nursery
Fig Tree Nursery
Grape Vine Nursery
Pecan Tree Nursery
Peach Tree Nursery
Persimmon Tree Nursery
Plum Tree Nursery
Citrus Tree Nursery
Pear Tree Nurser

"I have been doing some research on TyTy nursery and I only wish I had done it before I ordered from them. They really took me for a ride! Fraudulent and misleading advertising..."

Todd Groff

Other sources on TyTy’s bad behavior:


"I wrote the BBB and recommend everyone do the same whom were ripped off by these thieves. "


Ty Ty Nursery ripoff, Poor Customer Service, Does not stand behind warranty paid for, Deceptive selling practices. Ty Ty. Georgia


"My experience with Ty Ty was very poor. The plants were dead when I receive them and the customer service was rude and without a resolution. I'll never spend another penny with them."

"The garden watchdog used to have just pages and pages and pages of the worst sorts of negative customer comments about TyTy until they opted to remove them for whatever reason (under some threat of lawsuit or such, I imagine)."


"Bad Bad Bad - Couldn`t even tell me when my order was shipped after 2 weeks missing. Then when it got here - there was no way the bamboo was living when boxed by the look of it. -- Mike "


"Ty Ty is bad news, I definitely wouldn't buy from them even if they would ship to CA "

You can file a complaint with the Governor's Office of Consumer Complaints. Link below.
You may also contact the Attorney General's Office if you feel that your complaint is not receiving adequate attention.
Office of the Attorney General of Georgia
Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General
40 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 656-3300
As far as I am able to determine, none of the listed nurseries have a current Live Plant Nursery License, which is issued by the GA Dept. of Agriculture.
I would contact them also and complain that you have received unhealthy plants that have not been inspected for diseases or presence of noxious weeds and Fire Ants.
Commissioner Tommy Irvin - tirvin@agr.state.ga.us
Phone: 1-800-282-5852
Don't ever give up. The sleazy outfit is counting on that.
Here is a link that might be useful: GA Governor's Office of Consumer Complaints


posted by Anonymous
PermaLink @ 1:05 PM

Weight Control and Carb Counting 

About four years ago I started on the low carb diet and what I found was that my weight dropped from 230 pounds to 204 pounds as long as I maintained the strict low carb diet.

Since my surgery, I’ve found that I could eat high carb foods such as desserts and not have the plummeting blood sugar issue. This makes maintaining the diet difficult.

My weight still benefits from low carb dieting, but no more than regular exercise. My normal wait now is around 215 pounds.

As for my blood sugar, I still find that high carb binges still affect my blood sugar and overall strength and endurance.

I believe a low carb diet mixed with low starch fresh vegetables is good for my health.


posted by Anonymous
PermaLink @ 11:54 AM

Prayer and Surgery Helps with Hypoglycemia 

Two years ago I had several surgeries to help with snoring. One of the surgeries removed my tonsils, which were completely full of bacteria.

Many friends and family were praying for my quick healing from the surgery and since the surgery my hypoglycemia symptoms have been greatly reduced.

From a spiritual point of view, God healed me. If you want a physical reason, it is possible that the reduced amount of bacteria in my body, reduced stress on my immune system, which could reduce the stress on the rest of my body.

I’m fine with “God healed me”.


posted by Anonymous
PermaLink @ 11:44 AM

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